Ending Addiction Doesn't Need to Take Decades

On May 4, The Washington Post held a live event focused on addiction in America. Doctors, journalists, policy experts and more came together to discuss American’s current opioid epidemic and what can be done to put an end to it. Shatterproof founder and CEO Gary Mendell was invited to sit on a panel, and he shared his unique insights into what sort of approach can be most effective. As the Post put it, Gary believes that “breaking the cycle of addiction doesn’t have to be complicated.”

Mendell outlined four key policy moves that could make real, fast-paced progress to put an end to addiction. What are they?

• Full utilization of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs

• Full implementation of the CDC’s prescribing guidelines, with every doctor educated and on-board

Medication-assisted treatment available in every substance use treatment program

Naloxone in every first responder’s tool kit

According to Mendell, it “doesn’t need to take decades” to get these things done. If we focus and come together, we can make real change in a year or two.

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