Alice Dembner stands smiling against a white background

Alice Dembner is Program Director for Substance Use Disorders and Justice-Involved Populations at Community Catalyst, a leading non-profit national health advocacy organization dedicated to advancing a movement for health equity and justice. The program helps people lead healthier lives through advocacy to improve health services and community supports that address problematic use of drugs and alcohol. Key initiatives include ensuring access to quality services, promoting treatment and social services rather than arrest and incarceration, expanding insurance coverage and benefits, advancing early intervention with youth, and integrating substance use services fully into the health system. 

Dembner was the principal investigator of a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institution project called Patients Lead, which identified outcomes patients want from treatment for substance use disorders as a starting point to revamp efforts to improve quality and outcomes. Dembner’s role includes strategic direction, program management, fund-raising, overseeing state issue campaigns, research and policy analysis, public speaking, coaching and working with local, state and national partners. 

Prior to joining Community Catalyst in 2008, Alice was an investigative and analytic journalist. During 30 years as an award-winning reporter and editor, she informed policymakers, influenced public opinion and spurred change. She holds a bachelor's degree from Yale University, magna cum laude. 

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