Street Names: Booze, tipple, hooch, juice, sauce
Alcohol, or ethanol, is a depressant drug. It is legal and one of the most widely used recreational drugs in the world. It is produced by fermenting grains, fruits, or other sources of sugar.
Alcohol consumption is a causal factor in more than 200 diseases, injuries, and other health conditions. It slows parts of the brain that affect thinking, behavior, breathing, and heart rate.
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Dry January Resources

DIY Mocktail Bar
Make delightful mocktails from the comfort of your own home without breaking the bank.

The First 90 Days
Find out what happens to your mind and body when you go alcohol-free for one, two, three months.

Sober Survival Guide
Simple ways to keep alcohol out of the equation when you and friends are out on the town.

Top Resources
Our favorite books, apps, and podcasts to help guide and motivate your alcohol-free experience.