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Shatterproof Addiction Stigma Index

The largest survey of public attitudes about substance use disorder and people with substance use disorder in the United States.

Download 2024 Report

Addiction stigma is under-researched and largely unaddressed.

Shatterproof is changing that.

The Shatterproof Addiction Stigma Index (SASI) was developed as a first-of-its-kind measurement tool and the most expansive survey ever fielded on substance use disorder (SUD) stigma in the U.S.

The SASI explores the public’s knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding SUD.

It was designed to set a baseline measurement, as well as to measure progress and hold our nation accountable for reducing the stigma associated with addiction.

Explore the 2024 Report

What does the general public think?

would be unwilling to hire someone who has substance use disorder

would be unwilling to hire someone who has SUD

think a person with substance use disorder is unable to manage their money

think a person with SUD is unable to manage their money

believe that a person with substance use disorder is not trustworthy

believe that a person with SUD is not trustworthy

About the Index & Report

2021 Shatterproof Addiction Stigma Index (SASI)

The first edition of the nation's largest survey of public attitudes about substance use and people who use substances.
Woman holding a bull horn

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