Chad Alden Means
What Chad was like
He was so full of life and loved beyond measure. He worked hard for his family and fought his battle with addiction for a long time. He cared a lot and always helped those in need. Overlooking his mental health issues, he was a really great person.
Fondest memories of Chad
Our roadtrips together. Our favorite place was Oceanside. He was struggling with his sobriety the first time we went with all the kids but he tried really hard and he was excited to see the ocean for the first time and we had a lot of fun and he made the best of it. Was a really good memory for the kids. We went nearly every year for awhile until things got too hard.
How Chad will be missed
The house was never quiet. Now it's too quiet. He always had the game on. Always playing music though we didn't have the same musical tastes all the time. Always had something going on. Miss his exuberant personality. I just miss his presence.
How Chad will be remembered
I think he'd like to be remembered for how much he loved and cared for his family. Even through his own struggles he did his best to work hard and take care of us. He was an expert at sports stats. He could have had a successful career doing something with that. He tried to help those in need even when we were struggling.