Brenda Lynn Card
What Brenda was like
A woman who loved chubby things, tortoises and life;Sent to me to show me that I'd be truly loved no matter how many times I made those mistakes. Her friend asked why she was with me because I was ugly and fat? She replied; cause I feel safe with him
Fondest memories of Brenda
Our walls at Turtle Bay where I worked and ever time she walked the dock a painted turtle, she named "Picasso" would always come out and see her. One day the guys I worked with caught Picasso after B left and said theu we're gonna eat him. They placed him in a bucket outside on the dock. So when I took my break from dishes to take out the trash; I released him. I told her that night whatp happened and she was happy I let him go but was sad when she said " I don't want him to come see me anymore.
How Brenda will be missed
Hearing her snore as my mind raced with torment and I knew she wasn't being tortured like I was.
How Brenda will be remembered
A mother who'd do anything to show her children they would forever be loved.