Pick the right treatment provider

Search for treatment providers, narrow the list, and ask the right questions to make your choice.

  1. 1.

    Search for providers

    Woman reading tablet

    If you live in CA, CT, DE, FL, LA, MA, NJ, NY, NC, OK, PA, or WV you can use ATLAS to search for treatment based on what’s important to you like payment options, insurance, location, and services. To find treatment in other states, try searching on findtreatment.gov or go directly to your insurance company’s list of in-network providers.

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  2. 2.

    Narrow the list of providers

    Man looking at phone

    Make sure the providers you select offer the treatment type, payment options, age range, language, and special programs you need.

    Man looking at phone
  3. 3.

    Contact providers

    Woman reading letter

    Once you’ve compiled a list of providers that sound like a good fit, talk to them to see if they offer all the services recommended by your assessment.

    When you contact providers, ask if they are taking new patients and/or providing virtual treatment.

    Here are some specific questions to ask providers.

    Woman reading letter
Woman holding a bull horn

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