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Christopher Kelly Kite

Age 38
My son, my heart
Age 38

Kelly struggled for many years with his own addictions. When he lost his 2 nephews to fentanyl in 2021, it ate him up inside. Thru it all, he never lost the love and compassion he had for those he loved.

The love he had for his family.

His presence in my life.

As the son, brother, uncle and friend that he was and not the visual you might have seen.

Skyler "Sky" Ketchum

Age 23
Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Cherished Granddaughter, Niece, and friend of many. One of a kind.
Age 23

Beautiful inside and out.

Laughing with her.

Every single thing. Every single day. We miss you so much Sissy.

To keep her name alive. To help as many others as we can.

Davie L Shrock

Age 40
Age 40

Davie was just plain fun to be around. He was a talented hard worker, and could learn quickly when given any most tasks.
He could cause laughter in almost every situation because his laughter was so contagious.

Davie will be missed for his friendliness, kindness, and just his conversations about life. He was a son, brother, father, grandfather and much more.

Davie would want people to remember his kind heart, and how even when he was down to his last buck, he would have no issue sharing or even giving it to someone who needed it. He would want to be remembered for just being Davie.

Ryan Joseph Zeman

Age 26
Brother, Uncle, Son, Genius, Hilarious
Age 26

Ryan lived until 26 years old and it still doesn’t seem real. He was the smartest, funniest, most charming person you would have ever met. Nobody is exempt from the disease of addiction. Nobody possessed what Ryan did. He was a genius at 5 years old

His smile and constant humor. Life is one strange trip.

By how you live your life today. We honor everyone on this wall by how we move every single day.

Age 24

He was the best dad I could have ever had. I would do anything in my power to have him back. He always made sure me and my siblings were all okay. He always gave us everything before himself. He really did love us

I was standing on top the stove/oven with my siblings and it flipped and my dad walked in and was like”what the heck” and it was so funny he thought there was an earthquake

I will miss all the love and memories. I will miss all the times and all the love that went around with my dad.

He would like to be remembered by always loving others, and caring about others. I would like to get my dad some memorial gifts.

Thomas Daniels

Age 23
Beloved son, father and partner. We love you high as the sky deep as the sea.
Age 23

He was fun and had a smile that lit up a room. He fought so hard for so long. We miss him dearly.

The moment I saw him hold our son for the first time. He cried tears of joy.

His voice.

I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.

Matthew August Mecchia

Age 19
Son, brother, nephew, grandson, friend
Age 19

Throughout high school, Matthew was involved in soccer, track, and was part of the drum line. He enjoyed art, all different types of music, skiing, skateboarding, and hanging out with his friends. He was planning to run track in college.

We have so many fond memories of Matthew that it is hard to pick just one. We got to experience so many family vacations, sporting events, holidays, game nights, school functions, and just happy family times. We treasure all of the memories.

Matthew knew no strangers and always tried to make everybody feel welcomed wherever he went. He was kind, funny, smart, and full of life. He always made others feel better with his sweet and kind personality. He was an amazing person.

Matthew's future plans were to have a career where he would help other people. He wanted to give back after so many people helped him throughout his battle with addiction. The best way to honor his memory is to do something kind for somebody else and make their lifer a little brighter.

Ryan Lee Wisdom

Age 38
Much loved son and brother
Age 38

Ryan was a big smile and huge heart that loved everyone and everyone loved. So many people were touched by this sweet person that struggled his entire adult life with addiction, missing out on so many life moments. He was very talented; a musician, an artist, and an electrician- a jack of all trades. Always there with a smile and a hug, never afraid to tell someone he would help them or that he loved them.

A few weeks before he overdosed, he came to see me on my birthday. He stood with his arms around me, looking at the pictures on my refrigerator of him and his sister and Dad (he also had passed). I told him that I needed more pictures of him, he was always gone. He just hugged me and told me he loved me, as he always did.

His sweet smile, his hugs, his willingness to do anything to help me if he could.

I think he would want to be remembered as a kind, fun loving, genuine person that would help others.

Gary Lynn Foskey, Jr

Age 46
Father, son, brother, uncle, golden hearted
Age 46

His presence, love, and contagious laughter.

Rylie Milo Sarabia

Age 26
Funny, giving, loyal, music lover, wise
Age 26

She helped everyone and accepted everyone. She would give you anything she had and always gave you her heart. She asked you how you were doing and really wanted to know. She called me "mama bear" Oh, how I would love to hear that again!

Skiing, she loved to go through the trees. She said she felt free on the mountain.

Her laughter and story telling! "Dream on little dreamer"

For her love and compassion and resilience. She fought long and hard. She did for others what she could not do for herself.

Joseph Adam Geary

Age 32
Son, Brother, Uncle, Grandson,Nephew
Age 32

Adam passed on June 2, 2022. Fentanyl took our special boy! He was struggling with getting sober and had done so more than once! He was so strong, he loved everyone and never lost his endurance! He had an amazing smile, And such a huge heart!

My favorite memory is the last memory I have of him. He was texting me and his final message exclaimed how much he appreciated me and that he would fight to the death for me, He said "thank you Aunt Liz, for always having my back and being loyal, I hope you know I love you and I would fight to my death for you"! I said "I hope you know I do too, and I definitely would too"! Five days later he was gone..

His willingness to keep going even when he wasn't well! His passion for family and especially for his Papaw, who is my dad! I will miss his bouncy personality, his laugh though is what Ill miss the most ALWAYS!

AS SOMEONE who loved the world and only ever wanted love in return! He just needed to be HOME! HE is in heaven I have no doubt and the main PERSON he loved IS GOD! He would want his friends to always remember the happy times and to not be sad. He would also want to help kick fentanyl off the streets. He would want to have a second chance because he believed in giving second chances. He'd want his Mamaw Bonnie and Papaw Harold to always remember the love and enormous respect he has for them

Patrick Daly

Age 23
Brother, Son, Grandson, Cousin, Friend
Age 23

Patrick lit up the room when he walked in. So full of life. Charming , handsome and caring. The exact meaning of …Only the good die young.

There are so many. He loved his grandparents so much and always went over to help them.

I miss his energy and passion for life he was always happy. And made everyone around him comfortable.

How much he loved his family and he was so proud to be a Steamfitter like his dad.

Tiffanie Swearengin

Age 29
Everyone's Baby Sister
Age 29

She was funny, loving and just a big sweetheart who never left a room unnoticed. She was a loyal friend til the very last day.

She loved my singing so she always made me sing her to sleep

I will miss her beautiful smile

Glen Hank Strong

Age 37
Brother ,son, friend,loved,kind.
Age 37

Hank was I've of a kind, a honest living human who always cared about his friends and family. Hank was very loyal, devoted, hard working, hard Loving. We are going to miss one of the earth angels.

I remember when Hank came to me to ask to help start his own landscaping business. He saved his money to aquire his needed equipment for his own business. He worked hard long hours and done a fabulous job at every job he done. We all was so proud of him. To over come his disability the way he did was a miracle in itself. With live missed and kisses from loved ones We will all love and miss you. Please donate to his parents so we may lay Hank to rest properly.

I'm going to miss his laugh, his smile, his loyalty, miss his live and kindness. Please help with his expenses. His parents are not financially able to bury him proudly. Is your are a friend of any kind even a few dollars will help.

Hank wants to be remembered as a living, kind, strong man. Hank beat all the odds against him living many times. Hank loved his friends and family from his soul

Cynthia Jones

Age 32
Beautiful Soul
Age 32

She was extremely funny, outgoing and loved to talk about nearly everything. She was the niece of my friend, Katie Zehner who also has a memorial here.

Strong, independent, intelligent and loyal

Katie Zehner

Age 35
Aka "Comanche"
Age 35

Katie was proud of her Native American heritage. She was just fun to be around, and hilarious! She made sure you would remember her because she was so beautifully unique. As a friend she was one of the greatest people in my world.

Her laughter, the intellectual conversation we had, and just her presence here.

Craig Thiltgen

Age 45
Huge heart
Age 45

He was funny, kind and one of the best people I ever met.

I will miss his true friendship, the kind that you are lucky if you ever find it because he was there for you no matter what.

Michael Jason McLean

Age 43
Fiancé, Brother, Father, Friend
Age 43

Michael was a beautiful spirit..a heart tender towards others and jokestar . he loved to laugh, make music and embraced people

when he took me to see Woman King for our first official public date
..He said he took me to show me how strong I am

I miss his hugs and words of encouragement.

Doing well for others and remembering the good in him

Age 30

My beautiful baby and my spitfire

Her stubbornness and her love

Just holding her and comforting her and being her mom

To fight for what she lost and for justice and fight to get her girls back from a corrupt system To get her family back together and love one another in good and bad times and to remember that she is with us and that her children will remember that she loved them and her family

Age 17

Nick was a kind soul everyone loved nick he was funny outgoing caring and saw the good in everyone he met

Love thinking of Him as a little boy and his love for ninja turtles he would make a funny face and ask mom where’s my Leonardo that looks like this ? 😀

How funny and creative he was always a jokster

For his kindness and comical personality